what to do if you find a casino chip

what to do if you find a casino chip

Found a Casino Chip? Heres What You Should Do!So, you stumbled upon a casino chip lying around. Exciting, right? But hold on, before you start planning your next trip to Vegas, there are a few things you need to know. Dont Get Carried Away!First off, remember that casino chips are property of the casino. Theyre not like finding a dollar bill on the ground. Finding a casino chip means youve stumbled upon someones lost treasure, and its important to handle it responsibly.Your Options: Return it to the casino: This is the most ethical and straightforward option. Most casinos have a lost and found, where you can turn in the chip. Theyll usually keep it for a while in case the rightful owner comes looking for it. Contact the casino: If youre not near the casino, or if youre not comfortable going in person, you can call or email the casino and let them know youve found a chip. They can give you instructions on how to return it. Keep it? Okay, well be honest. Some people might be tempted to keep a found chip. But we strongly advise against it. Remember, its someone elses property. Its also against the law to keep a found chip without reporting it. What if the Chip is Really Old or Unique?If youve found a chip thats very old or has a unique design, it might be a collectors item. In this case, its best to contact the casino and see if theyre interested in it. They might be able to help you find out more about its history.In the End, Its All About Doing the Right Thing.Finding a casino chip is a bit of a lucky break. But remember, its someone elses luck theyve lost. Do the right thing, and return it to its rightful owner. Youll feel better about yourself, and you might even get a reward for your honesty!

what to do if you find a casino chip